Anatomical Venuses are wax sculptures by Clemente Susini at the Natural History Museum in Florence. The skinned or dissected women fascinate us with the ambiguity of their sensual poses. The choreographer and dancer Marinette Dozeville is alone onstage swathed in Do Brunet’s video images. MU – Saison 2 / Vénus anatomique is a choreographic piece interactive insofar as it entails a video mapping apparatus for projection onto the moving body with a system of real-time monitoring and restitution.
It is about questioning the envelope, the skin, the carapace, like so many protective layers or blocks to get through – going from animality to femininity; from wild to civilised; to come out of oneself and return there to visit. Between rites of passage and introspection, MU inspects and distorts its multiple faces. As a spellbinding, enigmatic character, MU explores the phantoms of our unconscious… Just like a sheepskin, visit the inside of this new MU, of this new woman who is still beset by her ghosts… Remove shells and slough off skin as so many masks and layers of protection to access that element of folly which is within everyone, or perhaps that element of innocence or the sacred…
This will go with Debussy’s musical realm, blending with enchanting voices and underlying tension, conversing with angels and demons as if all these layers, sensations and sound textures came from inside this restless, dancing body.